Financial Planning

Some find financial planning a bit of a mystery and don’t realise the value of planner can bring to your life.
Our good financial planner works with you to establish your needs and goals in life and assist you to achieve them. We can help you with budgeting and savings and part of our job is to keep you on track.
A client of mine recently said that I remind them of what is important to them and help them to stay on track.

Have you considered how you family would cope financially in the event you were to disabled or sick and unable to work.
If you get sick those bills don’t go away but your income does.
There are a range of affordable insurance options that will give you the peace of mind that you are at least covered financially should something go wrong.
Talk to our friendly staff now about:
- income protection
- term life insurance
- total and permanent disability insurance
- medical recovery insurance
Contact us Now for assistance.

Pays a tax-free lump sum on diagnosis of major medical events such as heart attack stroke and cancer as opposed to term life which is basically death insurance.
This can provide sufficient funds to have extended periods of time off
work to enable you to get better or enable you to make modifications to your home or seek medical treatments overseas that may not be available in Australia. You won’t have to worry about money and will be able to concentrate on getting better.
Child medical recovery insurance
The insured benefit is paid as a tax-free lump sum on the diagnosis of major childhood illnesses and will give you a sum of money that can assist with medical bills or allow you to take time off from work to spend with your sick child.
Contact us Now for assistance.